
General Elections are like milestones through life.  I was thinking back to what I was doing five years ago at the time of the 2010 election and thought I would look at my photo archive for a clue. Two days after that election I was out in my back door photographing my son kicking a football in the back garden and it made me realise how much my life has changed since then.  In this photo he is only four years old and had not joined his team yet, which means that I had not started football coaching yet. Little did I know then that when I did start coaching, it would eventually become a full-blown passion which has me coaching five days a week now.  It is amazing what life brings to you, and no matter how much you plan, you never really know what is waiting around the corner.  

My three-year-old daughter just started scraping on a fiddle the other day... I wonder what I'll be doing in five years time?

Football in the garden